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Digital Sewing Patterns

Nowadays you can easily find and buy digital sewing patterns online, including my shop 😉. Digital sewing patterns are usually available in two formats. A print at home version or a print shop version. Today I'll go over the print shop version.

Locally, I can get them printed at my local Staples. I've done that in the past. It's about $8 for a one page AO size pattern (46.8 x 33.1 in). But I've discovered another option. PDF Plotting!

I uploaded several of my digital sewing patterns and placed my order. They printed them and mailed them to me. It was easy, fast, and affordable. For about $22 I was able to print 5 patterns, about 7 pages. Even with shipping costs, I thought it was an option that saved me some $$. I loved that they were shipped to my home and the time saved not having to print, cut, and tape the pattern together. Not to mention dealing with the bulkiness of all that. They arrived in a triangular box, all the patterns neatly rolled. I've unrolled them on my table and placed some weights on them to flatten them out before I start using them. I'll have to figure out a storage solution. If you have any ideas, let me know in the comments below!

Below are the digital sewing pattens I ordered prints for. Click on the picture for a link to the pattern. I will be planning a Sew With Me event of some sort. Be sure to join our email list to know more about it and be notified.



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